Monday, August 22, 2011

olympus stylus ∞

okay, so in case you didn't already know, i've collected a bunch of 35mm cameras this summer. i only really got to use the nikon FE2 SLR, though, that was new to me. the rest of the cameras were sort of broken. i've been promised a leica SLR from my aunt but who knows how far that's going to get.
anyway one of the cameras i did use was the olympus stylus ∞, which i thought was going to be a crappy camera since it was a viewfinder (i know, i'm much too judgmental), like one of those kodak disposables that was not disposable.
i saved it all summer, only using it when i had nothing else. also it had flash. (there's something wrong with my minolta dynax 404si flash, it will not go off.) but in the end i was extremely satisfied by the results. so i recommend this camera to you. it's easy to carry around and still delivers excellently.
the following was shot with kodak gold 200 (which, incidentally, i also think is an superb film)
none are edited.

on the hogwarts express! (my friend camille)

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